After announcing that App chanel galaxy s3 case Store reached 25 billion downloads over the past weekend, Apple today asserted it Louis Vuitton iPhone 5 Case is awarded Chunli Fu of Qingdao, China a $10,000iTunes Gift certificate for downloading the app that location the marketplace over the mark. As reported by Apple, Fu downloaded Where's My Water? Free, a Disney game.
Apple has offered $10,000 gift cards not that long ago, including last January when its store hit 10 billion downloads. Although a pre-balance credit card is robust, the prizes haven't come near to matching what Apple handed out for ones one billionth download. The moments, 13-year-old Connor Mulcahey was given aniPod Touch, aMacBook Pro, with a Time Capsule, including a $10,000 iTunes gift card.
Apple announced that it hello kitty iphone 5 case is store hit 25 billion downloads on Saturday.